Special Reports

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The last couple of years have seen remarkable changes in the entire education landscape. One thing that has yet to be done, however, is to create a clear strategy predicated on the actual tech transformation destination. The fact is, it’s hard to coordinate tactics if there is no unified comprehensive goal. In this Special Report, you’ll learn the roles needed by Administrators and Teachers, as well as the stages to expect as you progress along your own Tech Transformation. And most importantly, you’ll understand your destination in detail.

也在这份报告中,你会得到最date version of the EduJedi Dictionary, exhaustively crafted by top EduJedi to help you understand the tech landscape and containing nearly 200 definitions that focus on the characteristics that describe learning software tools and their functions. Today’s systems and tools provide mechanisms or processes that prove value because they simplify educators and students’ tasks, freeing up time and attention for learning activities and particularly teacher personalization for each student. This dictionary is organized by sections to logically introduce readers to both complex and simple terms.

All during the pandemic, parents and students have continued their shopping for digital learning. At an estimated total of $28.5 billion and a 15 percent growth rate, American consumers spent almost twice as much on digital learning apps and resources as schools spent. Major gainers on the consumer side include full subscription curriculum for homeschoolers. Many companies who normally sold to schools created or expanded consumer sales in recent years and have been seeing explosive growth. - The pandemic taught parents that at least some learning can be done remotely with digital devices. Many students flourished in this environment, but not all.

Trends driven by mobile devices like Internet retailing, internet banking, remote work, the “Gig economy” of self-employed including Uber/Lyft drivers, and a revolution in shipping logistics have also taught us that the old world of “place” can be irrelevant for a significant portion of interactions, if not all of them. Expectations of flexible time or just-in-time interaction and 24/7 access have penetrated every industry –including education.


A large number of schools are still acting like everything could go “back to normal” in education. But what’s normal is now of great concern to trend-watchers and researchers like the Learning Counsel, who are sounding the alarm that things are far from being anywhere near the cultural, economic or technology realities of the pre-pandemic world.

The fact is, getting “back to normal” in most schools would mean the same schedule, grades-by-age batches, and structure of the last hundred years with mild tweaks like social distancing and use of video conferencing. It’s a great legacy, embedded deep in our collective psyche, making change and particularly technology change, very hard. It was also slowly failing even before the pandemic. Luckily, we found a rising tide of innovators from our Digital Transition Survey. We profile those schools/districts as we announce our winners from 2020 in this Special Report.

转换成功不仅仅是在技术to old organizational structures. It has the potential to affect everything about delivery of learning. We believe this is the key to positioning tech for full effect – how time and space and tech is logistically managed to become a better overall experience for all.


  • Becoming EduJedi
  • The Digital Scene• EduJedi Instructional Design Model
  • Digital Learning Experience Standards
  • EduJedi Dictionary – Characteristics of Digital Education Tools or Educational Products

Digital learning objects are simply off-the-charts in numbers. The hunting around, and then inspection process, is a nationwide undertaking being played out in every school and by every teacher across the land.

Learn the digital curriculum characteristics scale, the ratios of optimum digital, see the EduJedi instructional design model draft, draft Digital Learning Experience Standards for Administrators, Teachers, and students.

Get this invaluable many-years-long compilation of definitions by current practicing educators so all your faculty understand digital resources at a deeper level and become discerning in their practices.

Make sure to attend your regionalDigital Transition Discussionso your find out more during the Day 2 Workshop related to discussing this Dictionary.

Download this Dictionary Today


This Special Report,Becoming Expo Learning, explains the final phase of the digital transition: becoming focused on the complete experience the institution delivers. It is a vision for what the future will look like as all the capabilities of tech converge in the education sector. It contains insight into why schools everywhere are experiencing a “sense of disequilibrium,” as so many said in our most recent survey, and advice on how schools can adapt.

In order to administer the ever-changing software and digital content in the market while appealing to today’s learners with true personalization, it will be necessary to shift the way schools structure their teaching delivery and scheduling.

This type of redesign offers a quantum leap in efficiency. The secret ingredient is digital workflow, which is key to providing a truly changed experience in learning that draws and retains students. Meeting students on their channel, the digital-verse, gets schools in sync with current culture. Interweaving small group work, hands-on projects, sports and some traditional whole-group lectures has the ability to “sell” the school experience to students who might otherwise be more inclined to alternatives.

Download this Special Report today.


In the school world, we are at a moment of decision-making and divergence, often misidentified as having to choose between online learning or classroom blended-with-tech learning. But it’s not that cut and dried anymore. What parents crave is an alternative function and organization of learning, an admixture of digital-first personalized learning juxtaposed with real world experiential learning – without our tendency to insist on strict adherence to schedules. In order to be successful, schools need to reverse engineer education from the tech side backwards, recreating learning so it fits neatly into the present age. But how can we make that happen?

如果你是管理员在任何学校或分配ict, it’s important to understand that you are now the leader of a digital-first organization, and your physical environment and staff are vital parts of that equation. When you get to the point that your site and software carry the bulk of the delivery of learning, just like other industries, schools will be able to naturally leverage their people and physical location to much greater effect, and in addition actually lower costs. That’s the power of becoming Apptastic.

Now your school or district can become Apptastic. Download our free Special Report now and find out how.

Download this Special Report today.


Designed for Digital means moving the entire organizational structure, the delivery of teaching and learning, to fit the tech age. It’s not the old virtual or distance learning of the last generation, which left the hundred-plus-year-old bureaucracies in place but set up an independent method that often did not work for some students. No, it’s not a slight thing, and it won’t be easy. The new designed-for-digital education enterprise would reverse engineer the analog (people and place) aspects into a digital-first entity. It would flip to digital. Flip to student-centricity instead of teacher-centricity. Flip to workflow instead of industrial-age delivery by stair-step grades, walled-off classrooms, schedules that end at 3 p.m. and more. Such a redesign would fit current expectations because of what people experience in other sectors, where there is an App for everything. It would emphasize personalizing learning paths for real. It would leverage the teachers for their humanity and not overburden them with all aspects of lesson planning, analytics, data entry and a mile-high tech and Apps stack.

Download this Special Report today.


Schools are swimming into the deep end of data. Those moving in the direction of personalized learning with adaptive courseware are doing it to answer the persistent calls for more accountability, continuous self-evaluation, and improvement. Yet, new digital courseware is bringing epic complexity on top of an existing scene of multiple stake-holder reporting and burdensome inspections at all levels. Then there are the rules about what money gets spent for what purposes, and hundreds of regulations to comply with.

The answer is to understand how technology can be leveraged for all of it – and that takes a new attitude.

This Special Report offers a basic understanding of the field, the terminology, the graphics, and sets you on your way to a shift in process that gains millions of students greater learning.

Download this Special Report today.


This special report is about two things. First, learning to lead from a totally different vantage point, one of getting technology to carry way more of the burden of administration, teaching and learning through a masterful plan. This is possible when you finally shift budgets out of paper, and do things with what little paper you now need to contain costs such as workflow and copier controls.

Second, this special report is about becoming acutely aware that security and student data privacy are areas of great concern, both physical and internet security. The internet trapdoors, hijackers and boogeymen are real. Some of the scary facts are from simple carelessness in how schools and some vendors construct their digital transactions – often leaving off the most basic measures like encrypting the transmission. Not cool. Actual heavy-duty liability can come when no one is paying attention to the links, sites, and apps.

The ultimate goal is student-centered learning—real personalization.

Download this Special Report today.


The sustainability conversation is going to go deep in the next few years. Schools will run into all kinds of archaic legislation, competition from consumerization, faulty funding lines, and old policies that will have to be overturned to have a bit more breathing room for their transformation.

Some of this has already gone on, but the bulk of the market is coming into the eye of the sustainability storm now. It feels like a bottleneck, a great moment of angst, and flurry of activity all in one.

We have some tips to get you through it—lessons for you, your institution and your networked community.

Download this Special Reportand join us for a deep dive into the sustainability conversation in this fast-changing world of education.


Discernment between curriculum materials has always been the job of educators. Today it is important to discern whether digital learning objects are granular or systematized. Where are they on a scale of curated free document-type lesson plans and home-built learning objects via build-curriculum-yourself customization software (authorware) versus professionally coded courseware? We must answer if either approach has all the elements of rigor.

In this Special Report we delve deeper into how to think about digital resources and how leaders and teachers alike can create a method to evaluate all their options.

In this issue:

  • Evaluating Digital Curriculum as We Speed Beyond Strategy and Into Tactics
  • The Digital Curriculum Evaluation Matrix
  • Beyond the Buzzwords: Defining Effective Classroom Transformation
  • How to Make “Life-Ready” Graduates
  • On the Road: Fall Tactics Events

Download the Special Report and join us for a deep dive into the digital curriculum shift, how to chart your path and views of success across the country.


A rapid digital transition is underway, and at the heart of that is a multiplicity of new software which itself is causing dramatic shifts in how we teach and learn. What’s inside sophisticated software systems today changes the function of teacher-student interactions as well as the spaces themselves.

Leaders are questioning the status quo and developing effective paths to transform. Successful patterns and programs are emerging. The Learning Counsel has talked to hundreds of leaders and looked at exceptional districts and schools to see what they are doing differently.

In this issue:

  • The Classroom Remodeling Mission
  • Exploring Space: The Final Frontier
  • Layout Options for the Remodel
  • Spotlights on Successful Transformation
  • Remodeling Nationwide

Join us for a review of the shift to a new model. Download your copy for FREE today.


See new updated Paper with more than 100 Characteristicshere.

There are tens of thousands of options right now with the types of digital “things” of learning – Apps, websites, immersive-environment digital courseware, eBooks, eTextbooks, projectware, PDFs, games and much more. What these are and what is going on inside these things has not been defined. We’ve set out to do that in this Special Report.

Download your issue, and find out about:

• The 71 characteristics of digital curriculum
• How we bring digital curriculum to life for every school and student
• Analytics: another resource in your digital toolkit
• Dynamic education change from coast-to-coast

Whether you are a district Superintendent, private school principal, teacher, parent or publisher, this special report has something to do with you.

数字课程过渡stratocaster电吉他的想法egy Model Architecture came about organically, springing to life from dozens of events, surveys of executives and publishers. What we learned is the urgent need for coherent direction in this chaos of change we are all in the middle of.

• What is a "Model Architecture" for transitioning to digital curriculum?
• What are other schools doing?
• How do we create the best digital learning environment?

This Special Report brings together knowledge gained over the last year, plus showcases some of the more advanced schools in the U.S. We reviewed what is being done to bring order to the mass of potential learning objects and tactics.