Take Survey

Help save the world of learning!The results from hundreds of schools/districts responding helps report on trends in the nation’s digital transition.

34 questions(some essays) - 7-26 minutes needed to complete

目的:这是一个年度调查.S. K-12 administrators in any leadership position, a separate survey is being conducted just for teachers. We will be selecting the top responding teachers to announce during our National Gathering awards ceremony in December 2022 to honor their achievements with EduJedi Levels. National editorial stories will highlight these individuals in online stories with a readership reach of 8 Million +.

Take Survey

With help from our sponsor:

Help save the world of learning!The results from thousands of teachers helps determine what is happening in the field. The final essay in the survey should be about your accomplishments and is the most important part we consider.

26 questionsincluding a final comment box - 5-20 minutes needed to complete.

目的:这是一个年度调查.S. K-12 teachers, a separate survey is being conducted for administrators. It’s primarily about emerging needs, tech use and practices. We will be selecting the top responding teachers to announce during our National Gathering awards ceremony in December 2022 to honor their achievements with EduJedi Levels. National editorial stories will highlight these individuals in online stories with a readership reach of 8 Million +.

Take Survey

With help from our sponsor: